It's that fun time of the week when we head outside to take pictures of our surroundings! That means it is Outdoor Wednesday hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer.
I've showed so many pics of the house recently that I thought I would take you somewhere else. As you know, Mr. Dumpling and I love to take "excursions". We ride, look at landscaping, throw in a little antiquing and call it a good day!
There is a house in East Texas that has long fascinated me...almost an obsession. When I first spied the house, two elderly sisters were living in the home. It needed work at that point but was still lovely. I would have Mr. Dumpling park across the street and just let me stare at it. I'm not saying this is normal...I'm just saying...
This is the house at the original location before being moved.

And a brief history written by Bob Bowman:
"In 1908, as Sallie Pratt's house was being completed a block from downtown Hemphill, she "prayed a hedge" around the imposing structure and asked God to safeguard her home from man's destruction -- much in the Biblical fashion of Job 1:10.
Today, more than a few Hemphill townspeople are convinced Sallie's prayers 95 years ago have protected her house from the wrecker's ball and will lead to its eventual restoration.
Sallie's home was built for her by husband, George Edward Pratt, who had followed his father's footsteps in the general mercantile business at Hemphill and Bronson. The house was furnished by quality furniture shipped to Hemphill. Sallie's bed was so elegant that it was reportedly used in a scene from the film, "Gone With the Wind."
Sallie's religious faith earned her a reputation as a healer and her skills were sought by people throughout East Texas."
Fate worked against the house. The sisters passed away and a male relative was left in the house. He was quite an original and loved to march in parades (uninvited) in his boots, shorts and twirling a baton. He called himself a "Global Twirler". Highly intelligent...but a little different. He used one room of the THREE story house to live in. Here he is:

A auctioneer friend of ours was contacted to auction the contents. He was admitted into the house (which was a RARE honor). He said the house was covered in antique treasures...walls, cabinets, stacked on the floor...and oak everywhere. The house had double staircases!
Well, by this point, I was gasping in delight I tell you!
To shorten the story, the auction never happened. Distant relatives came in and swooped things up (so I heard) and the house was left empty.
Some in town wanted it torn down. I made a few calls to see if the house was for sale. I just knew I could get it across the LA line and on our land. I told you...I loved this house! In the end, the local church bought it and had it moved to make way for a parking lot...where it is still empty.
Here's the house today:

Yes, I have peeked in the windows. I have sat on the porch. I have pretended it was mine and how I would restore it.
Is that obsessed? I would rather think I have an excellent imagination and a love of old things. I want to save them, restore them and treasure them.
Boudreaux just demanded to be in this post. You know how he is!

Oh what a fabulous old house! I hope it is never demolished!! What a beauty...
This is a beautiful old house...and I understand your obsession with it...lets just hope it gets repaired and not destroyed...thanks for sharing
What a fabulous old house -- I would obsess about it too!
That is one gorgeous house. I can surely understand why you are in love with it!
Hi Judybug,
this is such an interesting story, as i went along I was pulling for you to get the house and i thought you were going to tell us you did. How ever i am glad that you went and peeked and that it is in good hands If they completely get it restored please share it . Thank you so much for sharing i so enjoyed reading this
Do you remember McCrory's 5&10? This house looks a lot like the McCrorys home in western Pennsylvania. My grandmother was their housekeeper and my grandfather the farm foreman. They lived on the estate with my parents until I was a toddler. The estate was sold to a mission. After a number of years the missionaries left and the houses stood empty. Arsonists burnt the house down. How sad.
I hope your house survives and is restored to it's grandure.
Oh I completely understand your obsession!!! That house is LOVELY. I too was hoping you were going to tell us it was yours now.
I HOPE someone gives it a "home" soon. As it is right now it looks like it was just plunked down in the middle of an empty field - - - it doesn't even look settled into the ground.
It needs a friend - - - a friend like you!!!
I _love_ that house. Thank goodness it wasn't torn down. We lose too much of our history in the mania to build strip shopping centers and more parking lots!!!
It is very similar to a house near me, which I just went to for a cocktail fundraiser last night. I'll try and post a picture just for you.
That house really needs someone to live in it and love it!!! :D Jewel
Beautiful old house. Happy Earth Day and Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
I understand your "obsession" over this house. It's gorgious! What an interesting story about it too.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a good day, Marsha
Hey Judy, I had to come back again and check out your complete blog. It's just lovely.
I added myself to your followers.
Marsha :)
That house is beautiful; I wish you or someone who else who would care for it could buy it and restore it to it's former glory. There is nothing sadder than watching a beautiful house fall into disrepair!
I am so glad that this house wasn't torn down. It is certainly a beautiful old home.
Hi....fabulous old house. Isn't it a wonder?!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
I loved the story of Sallie praying a hedge of protection around her home...and the global twirler is a character. This gorgeous home has an enchanting history. You just keep on wishing!
Kathy b
What at great post. I just love old houses and their architecture. Plus, this one has a great history to go with it. It is a shame it is still empty and unrestored. Prayers have kept it safe, prayers can help in getting it restored.
Thanks for sharing!
I can understand your love of the house. Hopefully someone will step in and restore it to its original beauty. Thanks for sharing.
I can definitely relate to your love of that old house!! It is beautiful. Needs some love, but should be brought back to its glory!! Love the pictures and the story of the brother!!
A house so full of history and beauty. No wonder why you would want it! You made me smile... I think wishin and a dreamin is good for our health!
It left a beautiful lot full of flowers. Keep us updated on the house!
If I lived in Texas Judy, I would be right there with you sitting on that porch. I so wanted you to tell us it belonged to you now, I loved the little window at the top with the balcony. I hope it is restored, what a wonderful outdoor Wednesday post, Kathy.
How glorious it is... and your obsession is one I understand... I do the same thing too and often...
I love the home.... and I love that it is still around so long after the prayers... that a church purchased it and moved it and now you can peek into the windows and set on the porch... What a treat!!!
Just A Gal...
Oh, darling, I am in smiles and tears. What a wonderful way you have of telling a story! And, honey, I am just like you-- as I see so many of your readers are, too. Maybe we should have a 'gathering' at the old house.
I have noted the Bible verse and play to pray a hedge around our new home. Bigstreetrod and I already prayed a blessing on it.
Great old house... LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
ENJOY your day!
That house is a treasure. I wish you could somehow get it, because you'd love it and save it for generations more to admire and enjoy.
What a great story and what a lovely home. I am glad it was saved! I certainly see why you want it! So do I! Have a great day!
Great choice for today's OW! Awesome pictures!
Oh Judy....this is marvelous! We are so thrilled it wasn't torn down. What a wonderful story {we wish we could take a peek in those windows with you!}
Thanks for the tale!
Karla & Karrie
What a great old lady! First I can't believed that they were able to move her. I can see her all gussied up to her original glory. She sure would be a beauty! Happy Earth Day
Beautiful homes with such history should never be left empty, neglected, or worse torn down...I hope someday your dream comes true...
What a beautiful old home and I sure hope someone restores it before it becomes too bad to save. So grand...it is and the stories it could tell.
Oh, I do that too! See an old house and dream of what it could look like with a lot of love and a lot of money. This is a real beauty, and I can understand your attraction to it. laurie
Very interesting story! Thanks for telling it today.
Oooh, wow! It is a delightful house. Such potential there. I vote for you to get it!
Judybug, who can blame you for being obsessed. How sad to see such a lovely treasure remain in disrepair.
The "parade twirler" was a hoot :-)
Hi Judy! I love this post. What an awesome house. So glad it's been spared. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get ahold of it(: I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Top Fav's Award Button. I'd love you to stop by and pick up your button. Have a great weekend!
Sorry I am late getting around to visit... I hope you had a Happy Outdoor Wednesday....and that you will participate again soon! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Wow what a beautiful place. i love the balcony. Happy Memorial Day!
I know just how you feel about this house I get that way too. I sit and think what life moments have happened in there and what could happen . I look and admirer it's beauty,(if it was art in a museum others would look too)when I was young... men worked on a house down town and I would go there and listen to them make up stories (like they found chains in the basement for slaves ... not true )it became a lawyers office.
Oh what a fabulous old house! I hope it is never demolished!! What a beauty... Make website india
I have seen that beautiful home and I have seen the twirler, his name was Audry Dean, now deceased.
He used to be seen quite frequently walking the higways of East Texas in his short shorts and boots and twirling in parades!
I just stumbled across you blog..and ...I am breathtaken by this home...my heart almost stopped at it's beauty, size and elegance.
TOO THINK that anyone would let this home go to "waste" is insane...to put it polietly.
NO... I would not call it an obsession, I would call it TRUE LOVE of a treasure beyond description for those of us who love Victorian and homes of THIS original stature. And that it should be saved at all costs. OH...WOULD THAT I COULD.
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